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Writer's pictureNickie Homen

Another year -- A better version of me

As I step into my 29th year, the thought of this being my last year in my 20s has been messing with my head a bit. I never thought I would be the type to mourn my 20s being gone, but as thoughts of wasted opportunities fill my mind, I have found myself yearning for just a little more time. More time to achieve the things that I always thought I would during my 20s. But, alas, reality sets in & life takes its course, and things don’t always go as we thought they would.

To be real, I think everyone experiences these feelings at one point or another. I would love to say that I don’t have any negative feelings concerning turning 30 but that would be lying.

Rather, as I have always reminded others, I will continue to remind myself -- we have likely all known someone who unfortunately didn’t get to make it to this point in life. Their dreams were cut short for reasons unknown to us. I have known several, and I will continue to remind myself daily that each day, no matter the circumstances, is a blessing.

So to celebrate that fact, I put together a list of 12 things to focus on and achieve in the last 12 months of my 20s. Some are long-term goals and some are easier to achieve. I believe a healthy balance is always key.

Without further ado & in no particular order -- 12 Goals to Accomplish in 12 months:

  1. Finish home projects: Since my husband bought our house 10 years ago, our home has been in a fairly consistent state of construction. We have been married, and I have been living there, for 3 of those years now & we still have some wedding gifts in boxes just waiting to be put away. My goal this year is to complete the home projects that we have going in order to finally put everything away and finally feel like our house has become a home.

  2. Travel to at least one other state: My goal in life has always been to travel as much as I possibly could, but due to the last year and everyone shutting down travel, it hasn’t been exactly feasible. One of my biggest regrets in my 20s is not taking more opportunities to just hop on a plane and explore. (Granted it is always easier said than done.) For our honeymoon, we were blessed with the opportunity to travel 20 states in 21 days which was such a blast and I'm very thankful for it. (Let me know in the comments if you’d be interested in a series of blog posts covering our trip and the places we visited!) My goal this year is to visit at least one other state that I haven’t previously visited!

  3. Visit Disney World: This sort of piggybacks off the last goal but is entirely separate as well. As some may know, I have always been a huge Disney fan. I believe Disneyland is truly one of the happiest places on earth and likewise, I assume Disney World is nothing short of magical. My goal for a few years now was to celebrate my 30th birthday in Florida & Disney World. I’m hoping that the stars align and no travel restrictions will hinder my ability to do so!

  4. Grow in my faith: This one is very personal to me. As I’ve gotten older I have noticed a significant change in regards to my faith. It has always been important to me, but especially within just the last year, partly sparked by the circumstances globally, I have found myself becoming even more devout. My goal is to continue growing and learning in my faith to become a better person spiritually for not only myself but also for those around me.

  5. Weed out the unnecessary & excess: This pertains mostly to material things. I believe that when a person can rid themselves of excess materials there is a metaphorical weight lifted. It is a sigh of relief not only physically but mentally and allows for an open mind. When you don’t have to struggle to find places to put your things away, you can fill your time and use your energy for bigger and better things. My goal is to become more aware of what is necessary and what could be shed to allow for more mental and physical space.

  6. Perfect my schedule: As time has gone on this has slowly become easier for me but I am far from being a time management queen. My goal this year is to focus more energy on creating and sticking to a schedule that best utilizes the limited amount of time I have in my days.

  7. Learn to prepare meals ahead of time: I don’t mean in the sense that I meal prep my entire week every Sunday and have everything frozen in Tupperware in the freezer, but rather just having a general idea of what we will be doing and where we will be each night so if need be I can pull some chicken out of the freezer in the morning before work or throw a crockpot meal together. The meal prep thing is great and really works for some people, but I would much rather spend my Sundays out with family or taking a weekend drive. In conjunction with my previous goal, I am determined to make homemade meals an easier and more fluid task.

  8. Be a better partner, wife, and friend: Again, bouncing off the last two goals, my goal is to become a better person to those who mean the most to me. Whether that’s learning to listen more and speak less, or go the extra mile just to give someone a hand when they need it most. My goal is to be the best version of myself I can be because ultimately that’s truly what we are all called to do in this life.

  9. Learn to be more mindful of my attitude & its influence: Life can be tough sometimes and as someone who considers themself to be a realist, I can often take on a negative attitude. As the great late Mr. Rogers once said, “attitudes are caught, not taught.” My goal is to be mindful of the influence I have and project the attitude that I want to be surrounded with. This will not only motivate me but help motivate others as well.

  10. Focus on my overall health and wellness from the inside out: Health and wellness have always been important to me but especially throughout this last decade of my life. I am a vastly different person in terms of taking care of myself than I was at 19. I have learned that in order to look better I have to feel better and that starts from the inside. This year I have been on a road to achieving optimal health and I hope to continue that journey as I continue to take more blood tests, do more research, and explore the effects of hormones in the female body. My goal is to learn how to best take care of myself so I can in turn help take care of others.

  11. Remember to acknowledge each moment for what it is & live life in the present: We can all get caught up in making plans and looking forward to certain dates, events, or holidays but what we often fail to realize is that while focusing on those select few opportunities or moments we miss small everyday moments that could be just as memorable. I know I have been guilty of this in the past and my goal this year is to be more mindful and acknowledge each moment, both the good and the bad.

  12. Achieve financial goals that I’ve been working towards: Last but not least -- We all have goals when it comes to money but some of us are much better at managing those goals than others (count me in with the ones who could use some genuine assistance). This year I intend to pay off any remaining debt that I have collected, (not including my car loan) and make some solid financial decisions that will hopefully serve me in years to come. My goal is to first be debt-free and secondly meet with a financial advisor who will help me decide where to invest my savings so that in a few years I will be even more financially stable.

& that’s it! Most of all, if you’re like me and have struggled with the idea of no longer being in your 20s, just remember how lucky you are to have the opportunity. This life is a short one, so cherish each and every day, and don’t dwell on the “what ifs” because we never get to go back anyways.

Keep moving forward. Cheers!

Were some of these goals relatable to you? Share this with a friend and let me know in the comments below!

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